Title: Contact Details for 60 Minutes and Media Watch
Dear All
I trust those comments on tonights 6 0minutes have also gone to them 
If you feel as I do the bias and misrepresentation of the facts let alone the imbalance of the time and presentation and insult to women and midwives!!!
A natural Child birth Advocate (read nutter) who births at home against 2 well read journalists and a prominent Dr .....
on prime TV can not go undebated !!
Send a (CC)  copy to David Marr at Media watch as Our last outcry to the Broadcast Authority re their misinformation on Today was unchallenged Here are the addresses
Denise Hynd



Mail: Media Watch, GPO Box 9994, In your Capital City

Phone: 02 8333 4454

Fax: 02 8333 4962

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