This is a email sent on to the C-Aware list....if anyone can help considering she is in the highest group for successful vbac!
Hi all,
This query was posted on the VBAC Discussion Forum of the Birthrites
website. If anyone is keen to offer Trish information, then you can post a
response on the forum by clicking on the link at the bottom of the email.
BB Jackie Mawson.
------ Forwarded Message

Subject: Advice vbac
Posted By: Trisha

Message: This is my 4th pregnancy, my first 2 deliveries were quick and fine, my 3rd a c section - breach baby. I would like to have a birth centre birth again, preferably a water birth. My problem is that I don't know of any hospitals or centres that will take me after the c section, I am not opposed to a home birth either. I am living in Western Sydney, can anybody help??

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