Everyone, thankyou so much for your kind words and suggestions. I am now up and out of bed for the day...

I tried the icy cold milk idea, and that has eased some of the nausea!! Not for long, but it did. I am going to freeze some juice into ice cube trays to suck on, too.
Matt had a meat pie for lunch, and I had a few bites of that and salt and vinegar chips x 5 have stayed down so far, so I think I am doing pretty well today. I was just scared of never feeling like eating, and that can't be good for a growing baby.

I am taking my ginger and vit B6 tabs.

I am not sure how I will go at work (I'm on days off this week), as you can't just eat what you want when you want - and they've taken the toaster away because it has set off the fire alarm one too many times ;)

Again, thanks for the good advice - it helps to know I'm not the only one feeling like this! Not sure about the accupuncture, Mary - I'm a chicken!

Love, Jo

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