I used the sea bands with my 3rd & 4th pregnancies & think they are wonderful.  By the time I was pregnant with the fourth I couldn't stand the smell, taste, or thought of ginger... I did use the tablets though to try & get me over the worst of it. 
Good Luck...  hope you find some relief.
Regards,  Tina H (Brisbane)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2004 11:11 AM
Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] Morning sickness

Some women have had success with sea sickness bands. If you don’t like ginger what about taking ginger tablets?


Poor darling


Sally Westbury

Homebirth Midwife


"It takes courage to remain a true advocate for women, challenging authority and sacrificing social and professional acceptance. It takes courage for a woman to choose a caregiver who will truly advocate for and empower her."    -Judy Slome Cohain

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-
[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:owner-[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Megan and Sean
Sent: Wednesday, 29 September 2004 8:12 AM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Morning sickness



you have all my sympathy, I know just how you feel. I have in the past and with this pregnancy tried everything I have heard of without much success. I have come to the stage where I think that there is very little you can do but:


1. REST- I take that desire to hybernate as a good message. The more tired you are the worse you feel so try to get early nights and nap as often as you can.


2. EAT- small amounts of food frequently, I mean at least every 2 hours. I find that the nausea increases on an empty stomach. and try to eat before going to bed, makes the night and morning more bearable.


3. DRINK- sip small amounts frequently, flavour water with a dash of citrus like lemon or lime, or other flavour. try icecubes of various flavours.


4. BE KIND TO YOURSELF- You might not feel better, but some days you will cope better! Do what you can on your good days, and don't be hard on yourself on the days that you feel like crap and don't get as much done. After all tomorrow could be a good day!


Let us know how you go,

Megan (23 weeks to go till no spew day!!!)

----- Original Message -----

From: Mary Murphy

Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2004 9:46 PM

Subject: [ozmidwifery] Morning sickness


Jo wrote Also, I was wondering if anyone had any bright ideas to fix morning sickness.... please!!  I feel nauseous all the time - constantly... I don't actually vomit very often, but all I want to do is stay in bed and sleep through the nausea, because that is the only time I feel ok. 

Jjo, I would suggest you talk to a homoeopath or accupuncturist.  If you email me off list I can give you the names of some local practitioners.  Poor you!!! M

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