Hi Listers


What a FANTASTIC story presented on GNT tonight.  I am still wiping the tears away (given that I am 4 months pregnant didn't help the tears either) and am glad that I have it recorded.  It was great to see Lois 'in person' too so to speak


My daughter was watching with me, she is 13yo.  She has always said she will have a home birth when her time comes, given the environment she has grown up in.  But this is the first time she has actually SEEN a homebirth let alone a waterbirth, due to the lack of videos available of same.  Her statement "That's it, I am definitely having a home water birth Mum, and apart from my partner I only want YOU there......."  What a wonderful sentiment that I hope is still there (not the wanting home birth - the wanting me there................) when the time does arrive.


Given that it is HBAW (Home Birth Awareness Week) I thought that this was why GNT was running this story, not as part of a serious of rites of passage.  It would have been good for him to mention that it is HBAW and maybe offered some contacts etc. (Or did he and I missed that part).  Let us hope that there is some great feedback so others can become more informed. 


Now for the ramble:


I was thinking that with all the wonderful women (and men) on this list and the many others in this arena of pregnancy and childbirth, surely the majority of us have children and even grandchildren.  What a great resource we have at our fingertips. Especially given the environment and strength they have around them fighting for our rights to choose maternity care the way we want to.  Hopefully by the time our children or grandchildren are ready to expand their family in the way they wish ALL options will be available.


With what I can only see as an increase in demand for 1-2-1 midwifery care, provision within medicare for private midwifes for homebirth etc. IF there is still a fight to be had for future generations why not utilise them NOW.   Whilst pondering on my daughter's comments and knowing that she regularly brings up the subject of childbirth with her friends and friends mothers..........(A midwife in the making). Not just her I might add, even my 16yo son, who sadly have many friends that find themselves pregnant and they often come to me because they know where my interests are as my son often talks about it to them and others.  I realised that we could start education NOW.


In secondary and tertiary settings, why not provide - not necessarily information regarding childbirth itself, but to start them questioning the health care profession as a whole.  Educate them to ask many questions and to question information provided, to research for themselves to ensure they are truly making an informed choice……..   What do others think


Yours in Childbirth



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