In a message dated 1/22/2005 11:29:55 AM AUS Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Sally, where are you?  In Adelaide on the 25th of Feb the Womenâs and childrenâs hospital is holding a workshop to discuss the implementation of case load; the barriers and the successes. It is focusing on how to put in place case load and is aimed at the administrations and powers that be âthe ones who keep saying it canât be done. 

If you could make it to Adelaide it would be great.  It goes from 10.30am until 3.30pm so technically you could fly in and out in one long exhausting day! 

Contact Pru Davey for more info; [EMAIL PROTECTED]



Hi everyone,
Jo, the email contact you gave for Pru Davey is not you or anyone else

have another contact for her and further details of the caseload forum to be held in Adelaide at the Women's and Children' who will be presenting

Tina Pettigrew.

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