Dear Tracey Smith, Hi there! Could you email me 'off list' [EMAIL PROTECTED] am interested in more details. I work at Orange Base Hosp NSW nothing available for free antenatal classes for adolescents. Have you any supporting research/articles that support your course you could forward me please. Thanks Debbie x
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2005 10:56 AM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Midwifery program attracts Fed Government support and funding

Hello fellow midwives, My name is Tracy Smith. A colleague Deb Pattrick and I, developed and manage a life education program called Core of Life. Some subscribers may have heard of it before. This program educates adolescents about the reality of being pregnant, giving birth and parenting a newborn. It is always co-presented with one of the presenters having a background in midwifery and is an incredible opportunity to share midwifery knowledge and normal childbirth with our parents of the future.


This week it was announced that Core of Life has been endorsed by the Australian government and funded through Family and Community Services to expand Nationally over a three year period. We are very excited and would like to thank all those midwives who have encourage and supported us along this 5 year journey.

It is our endeavour to enlighten all teenagers about the challenge and incredible journey they face with becoming a parent and how midwives and midwifery care can assist and empower them along the way.

Cheers and Happy Easter (I know mine is now!)

Tracy Smith


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