I have to add a 'success' story here.
Last week we had a woman arrive in labour at 38 weeks. she had booked from the start for an elective caesar - no medical reason, just had heard too many horror stories from relatives and friends and had decided not to go there!
Hubby was totally into the idea of C/S too "all the stars have them"  ( personally I think he just wanted his play equipment undamaged!!)  I mentioned that the 'stars' also have botox and boob jobs but that didn't necessarily make it a good thing.
Anyway, to cut a long story short, the obs on duty was not the one who had agreed to her request at booking, and was not impressed at the prospect of doing a C/S at night on a public holiday, for no good reason.  I encouraged this and together we discussed the pro's and con's (mainly cons) of a C/S.  She was just having backache at this stage and no-one had done a VE. She asked if she could have an epidural, so I said , well how about having it, then seeing how the labour goes, if it doesn't go well then you can revert to plan A?  Fine, as long as she was not going to have pain, says she, hubby still not convinced but beginning to see that major abdominal surgery might not be such a great thing after all.
After the epidural was working I did a ve - guess what - 7cms and head at +2 - all with just backache!!
I told her how great she was doing and that she had obviously underestimated her own capabilities, stressed that the labour was going as well as a first labour possibly could be and that it would really be a shame to perform surgery when her body was doing it all so beautifully.
I went home praying that it wouldn't all go 'pear shaped' as they had had such a mind set not to go the vaginal route.
She birthed a few hours later and we had a good chat next day, she thanked me for encouraging her to try, said it was nowhere near as bad as she had feared.  I praised her for making such a big leap at the last minute.  she did have a gentle wrigleys forceps lift out due to probably not pushing effectively 2' to epidural, but at least it was a vaginal birth, and intact peri.  She even went as far as to say that next time she might not even want an epidural!! - I told her that she would certainly have pushed bub out by herself if she hadn't had one.
So, not a perfect birth perhaps, but a great leap of faith for one woman who had been scared into choosing elective C/S, and a much better result for her and her baby, (hubby was OK too in the end :-)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2005 6:23 AM
Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] A wonderfully successful vbac birth this morning

Hi Katrina

Having just read your question this morning I have had a little chuckle as I remember the couple of moments, firstly when he was rubbing her back too enthusiastically during a contraction – she had actually asked for a back rub and he was doing a great job just didn’t think to stop when the next contraction came – he wasn’t watching her face so he didn’t realize – she let out a little growl and he was shocked

Then the next time was with the face washer – her face and cheeks were very hot so we had a lovely wet cool washer but I think he squashed her nose or blocked it with the washer and that caused a reaction too.

It was very heartwarming though when I saw the look on his face as the lovely midwife helped him to catch his new little baby girl I had the camera and gave a couple of quick clicks so I hope I got that shot for him.

He was exceptional afterwards as he supported mum and bub throughout the first breastfeed. He is a totally involved dad.

Warm hug



Julie Clarke CBE

Independent Childbirth and Parenting Educator

HypnoBirthing (R) Practitioner

ACE Grad Dip Supervisor

NACE Advanced Educator and Trainer

NACE National Journal Editor

Transition into Parenthood Sessions

9 Withybrook Place

Sylvania NSW 2224

Telephone  9544 6441

Mobile: 0401 2655 30


visit Julie's website: www.transitionintoparenthood.com.au


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ceri & Katrina
Sent: Wednesday, 30 March 2005 7:59 PM
To: ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] A wonderfully successful vbac birth this morning


just a question..

Why did the dad get into trouble???

just curious thats all

katrina :-)

On 30/03/2005, at 6:21 AM, Julie Clarke wrote:


I have just come in the door from supporting at another wonderful birth, which was a successful vbac.

The woman had made a well informed choice to aim for a vbac and not a repeat cesar, however she experienced the usual normal anxiety of anyone having a vaginal birth compounded with lack of confidence because she didn’t get there last time.

Well we worked through those issues slowly and gently, over an hour and a half she pushed her baby into the world – a gorgeous baby girl with a lovely head of dark curly hair.

The midwife was lovely, gentle, positive, calm, quiet and unobtrusive.

The dad was great and got into trouble a couple of times – I felt sorry for him – he was crestfallen because he was trying to do his best.

The woman was so pleased with herself at having achieved what she wanted to achieve a natural active birth with no drugs, no intervention and a fine healthy baby.

She didn’t have any colostrum after the cesar and was worried – but after this normal birth we got the baby on and the baby looked very contented and relaxed as I left.

And I have come home with another big smile on my face satisfied in the knowledge that when a woman puts her mind to it and no one stands in her way she can do anything can’t she?

A great experience to start the day.


Warm hug to all



Julie Clarke CBE

Independent Childbirth and Parenting Educator

HypnoBirthing (R) Practitioner

ACE Grad Dip Supervisor

NACE Advanced Educator and Trainer

NACE National Journal Editor

Transition into Parenthood Sessions

9 Withybrook Place

Sylvania NSW 2224

Telephone  9544 6441

Mobile: 0401 2655 30


visit Julie's website: www.transitionintoparenthood.com.au


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