-implementation of caseload midwifery at QCCH in London from research on midwives' experiences, suggested that
> midwives' with personal/partnership caseloads should not be used as a
> back up cover for labour ward or similar, as the flexibility demanded of
> them to cover for births on the caseload means they must have the
> flexibility and autonomy to manage their work to ensure they take rest
> time and are not overloaded. although caseload midwives might be
> 'on-call' more frequently than with a team system, they should not be
> expected to be called out for much of that time. The inevitable
> occasional bad week should be balanced by the quiet ones.This is the most important point of all.  when midwives are "off". they are not to be used for anything else.  that is recoup time.  MM

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