Title: Bericht
Yes Lieve very much what we suggest to mums.
Just received a letter from one of my mums today. She says "The whole experience was amazing. Especially for me to experience it all "from the other side"".......yes she is a midwife in a large Melbourne hospital.
I only wish I could pass on her whole letter to let you know how she listened to her body and totally supported it in it's journey even when she experienced quite a lot of pain around her pubic bone. She examined herself and found baby's head over to oneside and a small amount of anterior lip.......very painful around the pubic bone but with her contractions she just felt tightening and pressure. All of a sudden the cervix let go and she had the urge to push.....baby was born 20 mins later with his hands up around his ears and no tears or episiotomy (used the epi-no). He must have been wedged up under the pubic bone causing the pain.
Ain't birth just wonderful.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 4:20 PM
Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] fear clinics etc

Just returned of my first missed homebirth :-). Baby arrived 20 min before me and parents did a nice job. Father could even tell the baby was a 'starwatcher' posterior position.
3860 gr, no tears, aren't they marvellous?
What was interesting with this birth was that the mother said, she was counting during contractions and when it became more, she biked in her mind up the mountain. Isn't that sort of hypnobirthing :-))

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