Hi Katrina
Where I work we obtain written consent for Hep B and oral consent for the other two.  It doesn't sit well with me as often these women have had little or no antenatal information and almost no midwifery input and we are making them make a 'so called informed choice' at a time when they are probably not in the best head space to be doing so.  Sometimes we don't even give them the choice..... just inform them it is happening.
It would seem that women just accept it as another one of those 'routine' things that happen in hospital.  I wonder when someone will come back years or months from now and say, "I didn't give consent for that" and we have no written record?  In an ideal world, such things would be discussed in the antenatal period and detailed enough for the woman and family to be making truly informed choices not thrown at them straight after birth.   
-------Original Message-------
Date: 27/05/2005 11:50:07 a.m.
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Consent
Hi everyone
I was just wondering what people had experience with in regards to the
New Born Screening Test, Vit K and Hep B vaccine. Where I work, we
obtain written consent for the Vit K antenatally , oral consent for the
Hep B and NBST at the time. A midwife I worked with the other day was
saying that where she used to work it was the other way around, written
for Hep B and oral for the Vit K and NBST.
I was looking after a woman the other day that was actually booked into
Nepean and they obtain written consent for all 3 procedures...
I'm just wondering what other people have come across....
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