The last twin birth that I had the misfortune to be involved
with was a few years ago. I had caught the first babe and the
woman had been talked into all the interventions that you all
know about. Then the OB (fairly obviously playing up to the
crowd!) did an ARM with the second twin nowhere near the cx,
could not bring a pole down, CTC plummeted and we had an
emergency CS on our hands. Poor dad was left holding twin 1 as
we raced away to OR. Baby was ok but I know in my heart that all
that drama was not necessary. I tried to debrief them a little
but the OB had 'saved' the baby. 

--- Mary Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> M limited observations of twins born in hospitals is that the
> drs try to
> manipulate the 2nd twin and cause problems in that way.  I
> have only
> assisted at 3 sets of twins. one set born at home and two in
> low level
> hospitals. They were all born fine without manipulation by me,
> the drs
> outside the door of the labour room.  Two at 38 weeks and one
> set at
> 401weeks.  Leave them alone, they birth fine without
> intervention.  MM
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
> Tania Smallwood
> Sent: Thursday, 7 July 2005 5:58 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] Homebirth of twins
> As I sit here with tears streaming, I just can't help but
> reply and thank
> you so much Sue for sharing this wonderful positive twin
> birth.
> I have in my 4 short years as a midwife, been involved with
> two women with
> twin pregnancies, and although both of them were fit, healthy,
> had great
> sized babies in good positions, were positive about birth,
> etc, the list
> goes on, unfortunately the outcomes for them were quite
> devastating, both
> with problems with twin#2.  I have tried since then to remain
> positive and
> open minded about the possibility of twins being born
> vaginally, well and
> healthy, but my confidence in them being born at home has been
> completely
> shattered by these unfortunate experiences, by which I've been
> deeply
> saddened.  My colleague and I are now caring for a woman we
> have birthed
> with before who has twins this time, and I know that deep down
> in her heart
> she wants to birth at home, but neither of us can quite get
> the fear of our
> previous experiences out of the way in helping her to make the
> right
> decision for her.  
> Your account of this birth has reinvigorated my quest to
> regain that faith
> and trust in birth.  Thank you for that.
> Tania
> x  
>   _____  
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sue
> Cookson
> Sent: Thursday, 7 July 2005 5:55 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Homebirth of twins
> Hi again Yvette and others, 
> These babies weren't identical at all, although by ultrasound
> they were
> monochorionic diamniotic twins. My twins book says all
> monochorionic are
> identical so I am confused. 
> My guidelines for twins at home have always been first baby
> head down, of
> even size and 37 weeks plus. This is the fourth set I have had
> prime care of
> - all have arrived head/head, after 37 weeks and pretty even
> in size. I am
> sure that setting clear guidelines to all involved makes a
> huge difference.
> Perhaps I sure try a time guideline as well!! 
> This mum had an early u/sound, then chose to have another at
> 35 weeks to
> check for above criteria. (Totally her choice tho as I was
> quite clear of
> their position). 
> The placenta, as attached, was very round - not obviously
> fused, but had a
> very thick fusion of membranes running down the centre. The
> cords were very
> different in size and length, and the placenta on baby#1 side
> was thick, and
> on baby#2 was thin and different coloured. 
> I can't answer the question about the cervix - I only checked
> once and that
> was purely to stop my hair going greyer whilst I worried about
> position - I
> really didn't want a shoulder presentation... The assessment I
> did was about
> 5 hours after baby #1 and the cervix was nearly fully dilated.
> I guess I
> felt it was probably always at about that dilation. The
> contractions really
> didn't stop completely at any time, just weren't so strong for
> many hours,
> and definitely picked up in intensity whilst and after
> breastfeeding. The
> books say the intensity changes with the stretching and
> pressure of the
> presenting part coming into the vagina, so although she didn't
> exhibit
> transitional symptoms for all those hours, I think her cervix
> probably
> didn't alter much, but others may know more... 
> As far as sharing the placenta goes, watching the mother's
> uterus reform
> around the second baby and placenta was pretty amazing and
> very obvious. It
> no doubt helped her uterine muscles to contract to the right
> size for the
> remaining one baby and large placenta. After baby # 2 was
> born, it then had
> less effort to contract again to expel the placenta whihc it
> did very
> efficiently, with minimal blood loss. 
> I can imagine a very different scenario if baby # 2 was either
> forced
> through by oxytocin if her labour wasn't considered effective
> enough, or
> membranes broken and baby extracted by the end of the first
> hour ( or have
> we heard a much lesser time allowed between first and second
> babies?). This
> management would surely predispose a big bleed considering the
> enormous
> effort the uterus would have to make to contract quickly down
> around the now
> empty uterus.... always much to learn with every birth. 
> Justine, you're amazing!! We'll look forward to your amazing
> story unfolding
> over the months. Just remember to really rest up and eat and
> drink well.
> Optimum health is a must for twins. 
> Yvette, birth is a truly amazing journey each time. Birthing
> two can be a
> simple as one if you believe, prepare and have a solid team
> around you. Good
> luck and you are welcome to email me privately. 
> I have attempted to post some pictures of the twins and their
> placenta, but
> it isn't working. I'll get my son onto it!
> Sue 


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