Jo- as I am researching for sleep book - in one sleep study in UK - 12 % of bubs for whom no other reason for sleeplessnes was discovred, were found to be sensitive to dairy- dairy removed for 5 weeks and then challenged - all but one bub reacted again with sleeplessness. Bubs challenged again 12 months later and 10 / 15 still reacted. Allergic symptoms are not necessarily gut related - there is also a diff between food allergy and intolerance. Would be very suss if your breastfed bub has excema that he is sensitive to something dietary. You would need to eliminate ALL dairy - including milk in bought biscuits/ yoghurt etc etc for at least ten days - but it could be worth a try.


----- Original Message ----- From: "JoFromOz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2005 10:10 PM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Infant Sleep

Pinky McKay wrote:

clever bub refusing to drink the chamolmile - its related to severe allergic reactions in some bubs. Jo another thought - have you seen Sue Dengates work? She is an absolute wealth of knowledge on food additives -and not just artificial stuff, although I heard her speak a couple of weeks ago and she mentioned a baby who cried 18 hrs a day -mum and bub both admitted to hospital (any wonder?) - turned out to be areaction to preservatives in bread. There can be naturally occuring chemicals in otherwise healthy foods too.

Check out Sues website


Ooh, thanks, Pinky. I'll check it out. The allergy thing has crossed my mind, as Will has the beginnings of eczema all over. If he was crying a lot, I'd be more worried about it, but he's fairly easily settled. I had thought of cutting out dairy for a while, but his digestive system doesn't seem to be causing him any problems ... so didn't think it was worth it. I'll definitely look at Sue's site though,


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