Title: Infant Sleep
Helen and Graham wrote:
I know I haven't contributed to any "solutions" for you Joe but I just wanted you to know it sounds normal to me from my experience.  It is hard to enjoy this special time when you are sleep deprived and you are getting lots of different advice on the way things should be. 
Also as Megan says, surround yourself with people with similar philosophies/experiences to you for support.   
Good luck
Thanks Helen and Megan.  That's why I'm here - with people who have simillar philosophies, not people who suggest giving solids early!  Or a mother who says he's getting cunning... cunning?  A 4mo?  I didn't think at the time, but later I thought that she was pretty cunning too, working out how to get my attention and making me come running - the telephone!  She has actually worked out that if she wants my attention all she has to do is call me and I'll run to the phone to talk to her! Wow, isn't that cunning??!!  ;)

Thanks guys :)


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