not all midwives are oppressed or socialized unwillingly, they are often active participants in the way birth is medicalised and deemed as risk. they can be intelligent, educated women who believe in the way they manage birth. many only see it as work, something they do rather somethign that they are... to be proud of and cherished. unfortunately the lack of experience or knowledge about unmedicalsed ways of managing birth and the power of medicine and technology encourages and enforces their beliefs and practices. in saying this however once again I must encourage us all not to pity or dismiss hospital based midwives because firstly that is where most women birth and secondly many struggle day to day circumventing, manipulating or challenging the system, doctors other midwives, policies or procedures so they can care for women well (as i am sure Rachel is experiencing). it is often a lonely position to be in where you can be actively discriminated against and harrased . I do not lack confidence in my skills as a homebirth or hospital based midiwfe, the reality is there are significant differences in being able to use them.

wump fish wrote:

I think any midwife who has spent their career in a hospital setting would need 're-wiring' to attend homebirths. Hospital birth is so different to homebirth, and the danger is that midwives bring the hospital and it's guidelines to the home. I don't think it is a case of 'upskilling', just a totally different way of working and hospital midwives have been oppressed and socialised into a particular way of practising. They often lack confidence in their own midwifery skills and women's ability to birth.

Rachel - trapped in a hospital with pinging machines and missing homebirth and midwifery.

From: "Tania Smallwood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] The Advertiser today...
Date: Sat, 29 Oct 2005 21:06:12 +0930

Love that term, Macdonaldisation!  I also get concerned when I hear of
midwives needing to be "upskilled" to attend 'normal' births, or to give
women care in water, etc.  I think as a midwife we should all be able to
handle the 'normal'.  I personally would need upskilling to work in a
tertiary institution with all those machines that go 'ping'!


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Belinda
Sent: Sunday, 30 October 2005 1:57 PM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] The Advertiser today...

a big part of it is the multi skilling crap which is just a way of
getting constant work out an individual which i think is why so many
places are against direct mid entry midwives, they cant be used like
slaves to work everywhere anywhere anytime. it is an evolving problem
and much to do with globalisation and utilising the human resources to
the best benefit of corporation which hospitals are fast becoming. The
macdonaldisation of society!!! It really worries me....

Tania Smallwood wrote:

> Not just a question for Barb, but anyone who knows about it, I'm
> curious to know about the Midwife/nurse practitioner that you refer to
> in Qld. What exactly do they do? How is this different to working
> within the scope of a registered midwife? I'm aware that the college
> is not supportive of the notion of midwives becoming NP's, but I'm
> actually interested in what role they play in maternity care over and
> above the general run of the mill midwife?
> Cheers,
> Tania
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