hi everyone
anyone know of any similar groups in australia? i liked their idea of handing out information at public places re breastfeeding laws and rights to increase awareness and acceptance. going in to workplaces to educate workers about rights for breastfeeding/expressing breaks and providing legal support for discrimination sounds great too.. how many australian employers would hire someone known to be breastfeeding who needed breaks every few hours? probably few and i think people would be too scared to ask . ideally i think we need to move towards more baby friendly workplaces where bubs go along with mum to work, like in most places in the world. but it sounds too extreme to even bring up in our current cultural climate of children and work life being so separate
do many of you have experience of working with a baby in tow? do the hb mw's take their babies to births at all?
love emily

jenndoula <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Run by a homebirthing Momma!!

Hi everyone! Below you'll find the complete text of
our letter announcing our fundraiser and arrival of
our new website www.hvlactivism.org. Even if you don't
consider yourself a "Lactivist" I would encourage you
to take a look at the artwork we have available. There
are some beautiful mom, baby and grandparent pictures
that you certainly don't have to be breastfeeding to
love. And I know I want one for Christmas, you could
also point your husbands our way for an excellent gift
idea. If you have any questions and want to ask me
feel free to e-mail me directly. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hudson Valley Lactivism was founded a mere two weeks
before the July 13th Nurse-In at the Poughkeepsie
Journal Building. Since then we have been continuing
on with our mission of breastfeeding ad! vocacy and
education by distributing the laws regarding nursing
in public, and information about the benefits of
breastfeeding. Now we want to move ahead with projects
such as breastfeeding friendly gift bags for local
hospitals, a breastfeeding friendly business
directory, and supporting breastfeeding friendly
legislation. All of these plans to improve our
community will take support, and that is where you
come in. We are proud to announce the arrival of our
new website, HVLactivism.org as a first step to the
many exciting projects we have coming.
Hudson Valley Lactivism is now offering select prints
by internationally known artist Shawn Dell Joyce. Her
work, included in the Georges Pompidou Center in Paris
and the Museum of Modern Art in New York, is available
signed with all proceeds going to promote
breastfeeding throughout our area. This offer is only
available until December 1st, and all orders will be
received by Chri! stmas. A signed print would make a
wonderful gift for the mothers, grandmothers, midwifes
and doulas in your life! For questions, pricing,
ordering information and how to make a donation,
please visit our website: www.hvlactivism.org and
click on the scrolling fundraiser banner.

Midwife Giving birth Homebirth
Nurse midwife


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