I make a point of treating myself to an appointment with my network chiropractor after each birth I attend as I too encourage the woman to choose her place/ position of birth and find my lower back is tight the next day. I generally have no problems this way. He always knows how many births I have attended by how frequently I am coming. I think despite all the hands off advice that assisting women with breast feeding is rough on your back as well. Both require you to use both hands away from your body at weitd angles.
Andrea Q
On 04/01/2006, at 10:58 AM, Julie Garratt wrote:

Hi all,
I've just started work as a midwife and I think I need some exercise to strengthen my back, feeling a bit stiff after catching babies in the shower, bath, floor, birth stool ect. I think it is a sustainability issue of practice, a good strong back. I don't ever want my physical ability to dictate how a woman wants to birth. Anyone tried pilates or belly dancing? Any other good suggestions?
Ta Julie:)

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