I have got away with carfully suggesting that there are things I
"have" to do (because they are hospital policy)  but they can always
refuse if they wish ;)

rgds mike

On 1/24/06, Justine Caines <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi kylie re whats been chatting on about
> you probably were at the same hospital. large teritary. but if it is
> hospital protocol and you are found not to be doing the protocol then it is
> your job which would you prefer.
> Regards
> Gee What about some lateral thinking!
> How about informing women about evidence and appropriate care, and giving
> them a choice!!!
> Slow in-roads to change but a least a chance of it when midwives work with
> women to inform and support them rather than with obstetric dominance that
> dictates and abuses
> JC
> --
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