No the list has never been private and anyone can get hold of anything that is on any chat list in the world and pass it on to whom ever they please including the persons or organisations that people are talking about  whether directly or indirectly and we all need to remember this when we submit to the list.
thats the internet for you
Andrea Quanchi
On 04/02/2006, at 11:48 AM, Sylvia Boutsalis wrote:

Hi all,


My cousin told me she recently googled our name "Boutsalis" and came up with quite a few hits.  So out of curiosity I did it just yesturday on both yahoo and google.  Do you know that my questions to Ozmid came up on the search? 


I thought this list is private and yet the questions I had about hair dye and baby poo came up?  Would anyone else like to try their own names to see what happens.  I didn't check other names because you know what you wrote better than I do. We express some radical views on the list and wouldn't want anyone getting into trouble.


Are the moderators aware of this...Andrea?


Sylvia Boutsalis

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