Interesting. Can't think = can't feel pain. Someone should tell that
to the lower orders of living beins. They obviously can't feel pain as
they havn't developed "conscious understanding of pain"

On 4/19/06, leanne wynne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Fetuses Called Impervious to Sensation of Pain
> By Neil Osterweil, MedPage Today Staff Writer
> Reviewed by Rubeen K. Israni, M.D., Fellow, Renal-Electrolyte and
> Hypertension Division, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
> April 14, 2006
> Explain to interested patients that the author asserts that fetal neural
> circuitry determining pain perception is not fully developed until about 26
> weeks of gestation, and that fetuses do not have the developmental capacity
> to experience pain, which requires development of conscious understanding.
> Be aware that three states -- Arkansas, Georgia, and Minnesota -- mandate
> that health care providers tell women that fetuses may be able to feel pain
> by 20 weeks of gestational age, an assertion that according to the author is
> not supported by medical evidence.
> Review
> BIRMINGHAM, England, April 14 - Fetuses are physically incapable of feeling
> pain until the end of the second trimester, and unlike newborn children have
> not developed the processes that would allow them to recognize pain as a
> signal of a harmful encounter, a researcher here asserted.
> "An absence of pain in the fetus does not resolve the question of whether
> abortion is morally acceptable or should be legal," wrote Stuart W.G.
> Derbyshire, Ph.D., a senior psychologist at the University of Birmingham, in
> the April 15 issue of the BMJ, formerly the British Medical Journal.
> "Nevertheless, proposals to inform women seeking abortions of the potential
> for pain in fetuses are not supported by evidence."
> The states of Arkansas, Georgia, and Minnesota have all enacted legislation
> requiring that women seeking an abortion be told that fetuses may feel pain
> after 20 weeks of gestation; and 22 other states have similar legislation
> pending. A comparable federal law has been proposed.
> Yet such laws are based on information of dubious merit, Dr. Derbyshire
> asserted.
> "Legal or clinical mandates for interventions to prevent such pain are
> scientifically unsound and may expose women to inappropriate interventions,
> risks, and distress," he wrote.
> "Avoiding a discussion of fetal pain with women requesting abortions is not
> misguided paternalism, but a sound policy based on good evidence that
> fetuses cannot experience pain," he added.
> The crux of his argument is that both from a physiologic and developmental
> standpoint, fetuses cannot experience pain - in part because the neural
> circuitry is not fully connected before 26 weeks' gestation, and in part
> because fetuses don't have the developmental capacity to understand that a
> provocative stimulus is painful.
> "Important neurobiological developments occur at seven, 18, and 26 weeks'
> gestation and are the proposed periods for when a fetus can feel pain," he
> noted. "Although the developmental changes during these periods are
> remarkable, they do not tell us whether the fetus can experience pain. The
> subjective experience of pain cannot be inferred from anatomical
> developments because these developments do not account for subjectivity and
> the conscious contents of pain."
> Dr. Derbyshire likened the pain perception system in the developing fetus to
> an alarm system in which the wiring is gradually laid down, but the final
> connections are not made until 26 weeks gestation, when neuronal projections
> from the thalamus to the cortex have been completed.
> The minimum gestational age at which a pain signal may be transmitted from
> the periphery is seven weeks, the point at which neural projections from the
> spinal cord can reach the thalamus, he said.
> Yet the wiring from the thalamus to the cortex is not laid down until about
> 12 to 16 weeks, and thalamic projections into the cortical plate are not
> completed until about 23 weeks. Another two to three weeks are needed before
> peripheral free nerve endings and their projection sites in the spinal cord
> are fully mature.
> "By 26 weeks' gestation, the characteristic layers of the thalamus and
> cortex are visible, with obvious similarities to the adult brain, and it has
> recently been shown that noxious stimulation can evoke hemodynamic changes
> in the somatosensory cortex of premature babies from a gestational age of 25
> weeks," he wrote. "Although the system is clearly immature and much
> development is still to occur, good evidence exists that the biological
> system necessary for pain is intact and functional from around 26 weeks'
> gestation."
> But even with a fully intact and functional system in place, he argued
> further, fetuses have not developed the conscious capacity to understand,
> process, or experience pain.
> He pointed out that the International Association for the Study of Pain
> defines pain as "an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated
> with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such
> damage," and that "pain is always subjective. Each individual learns the
> application of the word through experiences related to injury in early
> life."
> By this definition then, pain is a conscious, learned response, Dr.
> Derbyshire said.
> "The limited neural system of fetuses cannot support such cognitive,
> affective, and evaluative experiences; and the limited opportunity for this
> content to have been introduced also means that it is not possible for a
> fetus to experience pain," he wrote.
> He acknowledged that his thesis is provocative and has both clinical and
> public policy implications.
> For example, with the growing frequency of in utero surgeries and other
> intervention to correct fetal developmental defects, clinicians might be
> inclined to give anesthesia to the fetus in the belief that it can mitigate
> pain.
> "However, the greater immaturity of fetuses and their different hormonal and
> physical environment indicate that clinical trials should be carried out
> with fetal patients to show improved outcomes," Dr. Derbyshire wrote.
> "Currently no defined evidence-based fetal anesthesia or analgesia protocol
> exists for these procedures."
> And from a political viewpoint, he noted that "the case against fetal pain,
> as documented here, indicates that a mandate to provide pain relief before
> abortion is not supported by what is known about the neurodevelopment of
> systems that support pain."
> "Proposals to directly inject fetuses with fentanyl or to provide pain
> relief through increased administration of fentanyl or diazepam to pregnant
> women, which increase risks to the women and costs to the health provider,
> undermine the interests of the women and are unnecessary for fetuses, who
> have not yet reached a developmental stage that would support the conscious
> experience of pain," Dr. Derbyshire wrote.
> Primary source: BMJ
> Source reference:
> Derbyshire SWG. "Can fetuses feel pain?" BMJ 2006;332:909-12
> Leanne Wynne
> Midwife in charge of "Women's Business"
> Mildura Aboriginal Health Service  Mob 0418 371862
> --
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