Title: Mastitis question
where i work we encourage women to express on the side that they are infected and continue feeding on the other side until the infection clears, the infection should be treated by antibiotics and if severe admission to hospital for iv antibugs. if the breastmilk has blood in it we discourage any breastfeeding whatsoever and get the mother to express all feeds until the infection passes she then can resume b/feeding when she feels better but ensure that the breast is always empty after feeding.
regards sharon
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2006 10:03 AM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Mastitis question

Can a mother pass on her infecton to her breastfeeding child when she has mastitis?

Its just that I had what to me was obvious mastitis on Sat, quite a decent case of it, very sore breast, redness, fever, vomiting, quite ill. Still recovering on Monday when my breastfeeding 22 mth old developed a fever and vomiting. This morning he is quite recovered but no doubt will need a very quiet day still.

So, is this a coincidence, or can the child become infected too? We were both rundown form a busy few weeks, so the rest was well needed, just wanted it without the misery.

Thanks in advance


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