Thanks, Nicole. I'm trying to stick to a good low sugar/yeast diet.
Jo On 28/04/2006, at 5:23 AM, Nicole Carver wrote: Also, when dealing with thrush diet seems very important, as does making sure baby is treated too, regardless of symptoms. Having suffered it with three babies, I didn't have any success until I treated them with daktarin gel as well, and also applied it to my nipples after each feed.. However, the manufacturers are now saying that it cannot be given prior to six months, due to a problem with babies gagging on it.I am happy to give it if I apply it carefully, not just putting a 1/4 tsp in the mouth and expecting the baby to deal with it. The diet is a low sugar, low yeast one. Includes avoiding added sugar and high sugar containing foods, bread, vegemite, dried fruit, alcohol, peanuts, grapes, canteloupe. Nicole. Nicole, how do you get a doctor to prescribe fluconazole for thrush???
I have it again, and am going down the whole daktarin oral gel route again, plus vinegar to soak the dummies in when not in use.
On 27/04/2006, at 6:04 PM, Nicole Carver wrote: Hi, I am working as a lactation consultant at the moment, and find it difficult to help women that have not had success with antibiotics for mastitis or fluconazole for thrush. How does one get hold of this Phytolacca? Do you have to see a naturopath? What is the correct amount to have? I would be very interested to hear about this. Regards, Nicole. |