Title: Re: [ozmidwifery] Birth Centres in West NSW?

Jo is right, I too have supported at several hospitals over nearly 20 years and I am “breath-taken” at the wonderful attitude of the midwives and doctors at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital at Camperdown – perhaps this is as a result of tv cameras on site from time to time – I don’t know why they are just exceptional with their care and respect.

I was in there a couple of months ago with a woman who was not progressing past 8-9 cms and the midwife contacted the doctor and my heart sank and I thought “Oh great I wonder what awful things are going to be said to her now” but I was completely wrong – the doctor was very kind, gentle, caring, completely empathetic and very motivated to keep the birth as normal as possible – gave great insights and suggestions and respected the women’s wishes entirely – I know it’s sad that I was so surprised by this because I certainly have not seen it to this extent before – anyway we needed more intervention and transfer etc and the rest of the midwives and doctors in the delivery suite where equally and genuinely caring.

I was very pleased for the woman that although her journey did not take her where she wanted to go she was exceptionally well cared for and I consider this to be an important factor in reducing the risk of PND for her.

Yes I would also encourage women to travel the distance they need to for such professional care.

Waterbirth is an option in the delivery suite as well as the birth centre – all the staff are trained and competent with waterbirth it’s not Russian roulette at RPA.

Warm hug



Julie Clarke

Independent Childbirth and Parenting Educator

HypnoBirthing (R) Practitioner

ACE Grad Dip Supervisor

NACE Advanced Educator and Trainer

NACE National Journal Editor

Transition into Parenthood Sessions

9 Withybrook Place

Sylvania NSW 2224

Telephone  9544 6441

Mobile: 0401 2655 30


visit Julie's website: www.transitionintoparenthood.com.au


From: owner-ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au [mailto:owner-ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au] On Behalf Of jo
Sent: Tuesday, 2 May 2006 9:42 PM
To: ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au
Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] Birth Centres in West NSW?


I’ve supported a few times at Blacktown. The “Birth Centre” is a room down the hall off the same corridor as the labour ward rooms. There are no pools, just normal sized baths and as far as I know (correct me if I’m wrong) it depends if the midwife on shift is comfortable supporting water births as to whether she would get one or not.


I have also supported heaps of women at Nepean, yes there are baths but again it depends on the midwife on shift if a water birth is possible. It is a large tertiary hospital and even with a doula it is difficult to get around protocols and procedures – REALLY hard to get a physiological 3rd stage.


Why not travel into RPA, it’s in the inner west, it takes me 50 mins to drive there from the Blue Mtns so depending where she is it may be doable.


If she wants further info on local resources you are more than welcome to pass on my email address.


Good luck.




From: owner-ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au [mailto:owner-ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au] On Behalf Of Justine Caines
Sent: Tuesday, 2 May 2006 9:15 PM
To: OzMid List
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Birth Centres in West NSW?


There is a Birth Centre at Blacktown and at Auburn

Also one at Bankstown

Bankstown Hospital is an un-sung hero

Have a look at the NSW Mother’s and Babies Report. Bankstown has a 4% epidural rate (Go beat that!)

They have some wonderful midwives and lovely water births.  Jan Robinson  had a client who birthed twins in water there!! (Must say I’m impressed)

Why not employ an IPM and Birth at the Birth Centre??  This would ensure continuity but enable the location the woman is comfortable in.

E-mail off list for some contacts.


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