Absolutely not Mary. The things that increase risk are usually complications that occur as a result of CS, such as intrauterine infections following CS, haematoma formation in the uterine incision, extension of the uterine incision at CS, and not the fact that she has had a CS for a twin pregnancy. She is no more likely to have a CS than any other multigravida. I wish her all the best for a wonderful birth.
Regards, Lynne 
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2006 7:51 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] VBAC

Hi everyone, collective knowledge sought!  Does anyone have any information that would enlighten a woman who has had 2 vaginal births, then twins by C/S and now wants a VBAC.  Is she at increased risk because of the twin C/S?  Thanks, MM

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