
What a great idea...I think a big reason mums introduce them early is because of pressure from well-meaning grandmothers.  From my own experiences (with all four of my chidlren) and that of my friends, if the baby is not chubby and has reached three - four months, grandmas propose that maybe some solids will help with weight gain.  It is so hard for a new, and in grandmas eyes naive, mother to ignore this 'wisdom'!

Kylie Carberry
Freelance Journalist
p: +61 2 42970115
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From: "Kelly @ BellyBelly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Introducing solids too early
Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2006 08:28:53 +1000

I’ve come across so many mums who are introducing solids far too early and as a result I am writing an article on it and trying to gather information from studies. I heard there was a study in the US which indicated one possible complication was juvenile diabetes. Does anyone know of any studies or resources in regards to solids and early introduction and where I can find them?

Best Regards,

Kelly Zantey
Gentle Solutions From Conception to Parenthood
BellyBelly Birth Support -


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