Forwarding on to the list for Heidi, who said she sent it herself but it didn't work (I couldn't see it).

----- Original Message ----- From: "heidi crisp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2006 1:40 PM
Subject: on the side

I'm sending this off list- I replied on list, maybe that didn't work? I did find yours.....

The emphasis was on 'little' knowledge being dangerous, however 'alot' of knowledge is a fabulous idea. Especially balanced, well researched knowledge. The fear I wrote of that is not required in labour is that of ill informed/ scary stories from friends (such as the baby in OP and the cascade of events) and the other fear that is never required in labour is misunderstandings from health care staff. Women deserve absolutely to know all that is happening to them, but if women do choose a service such as the hospital there needs to be a balance of appreciation of the medical background and this woman really needs to be asking her health professionals to adequately explain the reasons for their concerns. There was certainly no indication that women are either infants (!?) or undeserving of any information- we as health professionals are taught to use evidence based -well researched information and I would expect people to be passing on this information to the women they care for.

Her description of her induction needs to be adressed by the staff going to care for her (if that arises) before the birthday not on it.

I'm intrigued as to your sharp criticism- all it's made me do is to unsubscribe from the list after dealing with the wrath of letters such as yourself. It's interesting the condolence of hospital criticism; and yet a reply to a suggestion to a doula gets absolutely trodden into the ground. Many, many wonderful midwives work within a hospital system and yes most of us will try to expand our small group of midwives offering one to one care, but until then a little confidence in the system wouldn't go astray out there. I encourage all the women I care for to ask questions and when I do an induction I'm always conscious of getting consent again and discussing what's going to happen on the day, if at any time the woman wants to change her mind I let her know that i'll support her choices.

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