My feeelings on it are divided as I dont necessarily want CA to be doing my invoicing of clients for a number of reasons one of which is confidentiality. but the deal itself sounds reasonable to me to pay on a per case basis. I would be happy with a per case fee as I feel this would be fair for everyone regardless of what they charge.  I am used to working without it now and have got over the uneasiness of it but am happy not to own anything and therefore my risk is low. Not everyone has this luxury.  The NBV are not invoking their right in insisting we have insurance I feel because none is available but I think this will change if it is in whatever form.  What I understand is that they are going to charge a 5-6 % administration fee and 1-2% insurance fee and no matter which way you look at it this equates in my book to 7-8% of what I charge for insurance. What I dont get is how this works when everyone charges their own fees.  This would mean that say Robyn Thompson will be paying more per client for her insurance than I will because she charges more and I don't see how they will police this. What if midwives provide their services for free how does this work or they could charge a nominal fee say$10 and only pay 80c insurance and still be covered. I wanted to go to the meeting today but for logistical reasons couldn't so am waiting to here from the midwives who do. 
From what I can gather they need 200 names for CA to start negotiations but I dont think you will get midwives who only work in hospital to be interested even though I think they should be and I dont think there are 200 ind practicing midwives in Australia. I'd love to be proved wrong.
On 05/09/2006, at 3:47 PM, Lisa Barrett wrote:

Hi Andrea,
I have already emailed Barb Vernon but have not received a reply at all.  I homebirthed in Britain for 14 years before coming here and I must say that although independent's have no insurance at the moment there  it doesn't prevent or hinder the homebirth movement fear does that way more successfully than lack of insurance..  The biggest horror is that it leaves these midwives as us vulnerable to complaints not so much from clients but other professionals.  I was looking for a discussion on how it actually works .  I have read what's available but wanted to know what others think in more detail.  Here seems a great place to discuss it.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2006 8:47 AM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Fw: PI Insurance - urgent - more interested midwives needed

Nothing is set in concrete yet but we need 200 names to be able to move forward. There is a meeting today in Melbourne and have been other meetings around the country. I suggest you ring Barb Vernon at  ACMI and she can give you the relevant info for your state
On 05/09/2006, at 8:24 AM, Lisa Barrett wrote:


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