I received the message below of yours Brenda.
"AS 1 OB colleague states:
 "if we could just prevent the first CS happening she wouldn't be faced with this awful dilemma now ie to VBAC or not."
An ob really said that?!  My, my must have been one of those more unusual obs!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, September 16, 2006 3:12 PM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] VBAC after more than one c-sec in the perinatal data?

Hi Janet,
 On the Victorian perinatal data collection unit form which should be filled out & returned by all midwives to the above unit for every birth (home or otherwise) there is a section which asks:
No 41:"was the last birth a CS ?
No  42: Total no of previous CS?
Is this what you mean ?
I have recently been midwife at  VBAC after 3CS and a VBAC following 2 CS.
So they are happening. Just need more of them.
AS 1 OB colleague states:
 "if we could just prevent the first CS happening she wouldn't be faced with this awful dilemma now ie to VBAC or not.
With kind regards
Brenda Manning
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, September 16, 2006 1:30 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] VBAC after more than one c-sec in the perinatal data?

Hi all,
is there some way in which the perinatal data for each state records vb after multiple c-secs in the hospy system? I wonder if it's too statistically insignificant or is there a part of the data I haven't noticed. I know they're different in each state as well. How about hospy's own data? Are people recording how many c-secs women have before a vb? We really need MIPPs to be recording HBACs so we can contrast that with the truly appalling national average. I've only seen blanket VBAC figures, not how many surgeries prior. Anyone know?
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