Michelle, there isn't one LC course - you don't necessarily need to do one to be an IBCLC you just have to qualify and sit the exam.
A few friends of mine just swatted big time. I did a short course, some packages etc.
APLES based in Sydney, also do 2 day catch ups
there is one through correspondence from Adelaide- will have to find my notes to remember the name
Lactation Resource Centre have packages ( professional arm of ABA)
Health E Learning is great, internet based
I didn't find that over 5 years it was too hard to get 75 cerps/ 15 a year, but I'm packing it thinking about resitting in 2009! Then again one friend just resat instead of collecting cerps - awaiting results. each to their own.
Most LC's I know who have let their qualifications go have done it at 10.
If you're in NSW you can use it as a qualification allowance (or whatever it's called)
rural NSW
Grant, Louise and Katy
-------Original Message-------
Date: 09/22/06 16:53:06
Subject: [ozmidwifery] lactation consultant query
Am posting again as the first one didn't seem to come through. I'm thinking of doing the LC course, but have noticed (in my travels) that lots of LC's let their qualification lapse when the 5 years is up.  Just wondering if anyone can shed some light on this.... is it the money?  or too hard to attend BF conferences etc?  I'd also be interested in which courses people found to be good.  The Health e-learning has been recommended to me.

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