Hi Paivi,
Where I am working (hospital) at the moment the intact peri rate among midwives is about 70% on average (from our computer stats). I don't have any figures but having worked in a birth centre previously, I'd say the intact rate was higher. This is antedotal but it seems that when women gave birth in water or in upright positions they have fewer tears.
Päivi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Päivi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi all,I am writing an article on episiotomy. I need to know what is the % of intact perineum among homemidwifes or birth centres? This is when the mother is having a natural birth.Does this change if the mother has an epidural and is having the baby in a hospital? What I mean is that how much can the hospital midwife do to save the perineum if the mother has opted for epidural? Is it still mainly to do with the skills of the midwife? Or is it a harder job with a medicated mom?Do you all practise hot compresses, perineal massage with oil (during birth) / perineal support?What is the % of intact peri in a waterbirth?Many questions... Thank you for any ideas or comments.Päivi
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