They are different & both can ie it is possible not probable they will make babies very sick.
Sorry impetigo is strep not staph !
With kind regards
Brenda Manning
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, October 06, 2006 8:53 PM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] GBS and Staph

I thought group b strep and staph aureaus are different organisms?  Staph infections on vaginal swab require no treatment or preventative abs in labour.  Staph seems to have no effects on baby (that they haven't found out yet!) and it is a normal colonisation of the skin only becoming a issue in the sick, and immunocompromised.  I not 100% sure and am getting ready for work so no time to look it up yet. 
(p.s sharon, where i work we use benzpennicillin 1.2grams then 600mg every four hours.)
Regards Melissa
----- Original Message -----
From: sharon
Sent: Friday, October 06, 2006 6:35 PM
Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] GBS and Staph

That’s right gbs is group b streph which is found on vaginal swab at 36 weeks treated with benzpennicillin during labour every 4 hours commencing with a loading dose of 3 gms then 1.2 gm every four hours while in active labour.

Regards  sharon


From: [] On Behalf Of Ceri & Katrina
Sent: Friday, 6 October 2006 7:32 PM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] GBS and Staph


Isn't GBS a staph infection??? Been awhile since I was at work, relishing in the time off work with little munchkin who is now 3 and bit months old.


On 06/10/2006, at 7:06 PM, Kelly @ BellyBelly wrote:

One of the women on my site has just found out she has both of these things. She said she has googled for hours and can’t find anything on Staph specifically. Can someone pass on some knowledge on what this is going to mean? I have never heard of someone having both before…. She’s almost 38wks…
Best Regards,
Kelly Zantey
Conception, Pregnancy, Birth and Baby
BellyBelly Birth Support

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