Title: Re: [ozmidwifery] asthma in labour
Dear Suzi and all

As the consumer who has experienced the “other side” in a small rural community I could have written the same post (except for the clinical nuts and bolts!)

We too have Drs with no real interest in evidence and both they and half of the midwives show no interest in continuing education.

Women too are lambs to the slaughter (and most cop it)

What to do?  Well I ponder this daily.

I really think midwives have a responsibility to right the wrongs on the evidence. (You do need support for this I know).

Remember you only need 2 committed consumers.  They can do and say so much more.

Why not set up a branch of MC (or link into one if you are close by).  We will support the lobbying, media and advocacy.

Together we can do it :-)))


Justine Caines
National Policy Co-ordinator
Maternity Coalition Inc
PO Box 625
Ph: (02) 65453612
Fax: (02)65482902
Mob: 0408 210273

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