Sue Cookson wrote:
Hi all,
My email obviously went out about the direction of the list as I have recieved a couple of personal replies but my own email and other replies to the list have not appeared for me!!

So frustrating.
Can someone please email me copies of the discussion so I can participate??


Heya Sue, firstly congrats on getting the piece of paper :))
On the tame list bizzo, I think too that one of the reasons is exactly what you have outlined here - not all the mails get thru to the list, at best its sporadic. I know that my motivation to post has reduced since I realised that only about a half to 2 thirds of my posts actually get read by someone other than me, & when they do the occasional lack of any kind of meaningful reply can just add to the feeling of wasted time.

Jennifairy Gillett RM

Midwife in Private Practice

Women’s Health Teaching Associate

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