Thanks for that Pinky. I am still generally skeptical, but certainly agree that 
in all professions or occupations there are some who will have outstanding 
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Pinky McKay 
  Sent: Sunday, February 04, 2007 2:34 PM
  Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Reflux/ chiro

  Hi Michelle  Suzi and Meg

   I absolutely agree that some babies do have reflux/ colic -I  had one baby 
who vomited and screamed - baby no 3 - reflux wasnt a diagnosis in those days 
and I lived through it with her in a sling against my bare skin and a poncho 
over both of us. I actually wasnt worried that she had 'something dreadful' 
despite the first two being fat happy boys. I do believe allergies contributed 
-  but certainly didnt have Michelle's experience of constipation as well. 

   I would never undermine a mother's claim of 'reflux' -but I do seem to find 
that aboiut 2/ 3 of babies in my massage classes have been diagnosed AND 
medicated for reflux so I wonder if some of these are more of an 'unsettled' 
baby rather than a truly distressed one - there are definitely degrees  eg the 
definition of colic - 3 hours of crying, 3 days a week for 3 weeks - I dont 
think two hours screaming is any fun for any mum but does she miss out on 
support if her baby cries less than the definition?. Or are there are other 
contributing causes to the crying that are simply being palmed off as 'reflux'. 
 I believe what  mums say and would especially never question a mum of 
multiples as having unrealistic expectations as they have comparison of their 
own previous experience. Perhaps I only see more desperate people and many mums 
are very isolated - who is taking a screaming baby out? In such cases it isnt 
easy for a tired, worried mum to see what is a range of baby behaviour when you 
are adjusting to a whole new life. 

   Re the chiro - I had suggested to this particular mum ( with breech bub) 
that perhaps a chiro or osteopath would be helpful ( I was thinking more of 
hip/ nerve pinching) . Could an arm have been up by babys head and 'squashed'?? 
I havent seen the mum privately to ask this - when I asked did he favour one 
side/ seem more unsettled on a particular side, she didnt know as according to 
her, he was always so miserable that she couldnt tell and prescribed reflux 
meds werent helping.  She is a vet herself so made her own choices. The chiro I 
referred to is paed trained (not many are), married to an osteopath  and very 
gentle with babies -I have heard him speak ( he has spoken to midwives at RWH 
Melbourne) and seen him work ( on my own child and grandchild who was a gentle 
waterbirth but commando crawling asymmetrically, using one leg only - pushed 
off with the opposite leg a couple of days later ?? coincidence or treatment, I 
guess we wont know but I have seen 'slower' babies crawl the same week as a 
treatment) .

  I used to be a skeptic myself and would never refer to anybody I wasn't very 
confident about- even then I am gentle about suggesting anybody other than MCH: 
LC or GP - However, I have seen some wonderful results both from this 
particular chiro and some osteopaths - eg babies who favour one side/ 
positional turns and in particular one baby who was very 'sicky' dribbly and a 
very slow feeder (already on bottle before I met him) -  baby came without his 
bib to class and I commented -I didnt know he had been to the chiro. The 
parents beaming, said, "we took him to Braden yesterday and he feeds in twenty 
minutes now and has stopped vomiting/ dribbling."

    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: suzi and brett 
    Sent: Sunday, February 04, 2007 2:39 PM
    Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Reflux

    I have one of those coloured charts too - diary of a mad housewife!  I 
always planned to blow it up and make art - its quite graphic and pretty!  We 
could have an exhibition!  mine did help explain to the Child Health nurse that 
- yes my baby never slept for 45 mins at a time then and hour of crying...for 7 
months!  I am absolutely convinced now that im more informed that it was REFLUX 
even though every one said its over diagnosed and mythological at the time.  
Sitting up, eating solids, general maturation of the oesophageal sphincter all 
helped and proved retrospectively what the prob was.  If only some one had 
diagnosed it earlier and i had treated with homeopathics (and ive heard a great 
Bowen therapy technique helps too) I might have had a second baby after all !

    Love suzi
      ----- Original Message ----- 
      From: MHOOK 
      Sent: Saturday, February 03, 2007 1:28 PM
      Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Reflux

      I don't know about over-diagnosis- my second baby (now 17) had reflux and 
it made her first six months the worst of my life. I'd had a perfectly normal 
time with my first baby, he was unsettled like most and woke at night until 
over 12 months but I considered that that was normal and looked forward to my 
second child with pleasure and anticipation. 

      It was a nightmare- not hte birth, that was fine, but from about 3 weeks 
of age she screamed constantly, vomitted even while attached to the breast, 
never slept for more than 10 minutes at a time day or night- no one understood 
how terrible it was, she was obviously in pain, poor mite; my toddler was 
seriously shortchanged because how can you leave a child who is shrieking with 
pain to go and play with the other one. Just things like the carpet (whole 
house was carpeted, even the kitchen) being simply filthy from her constant 
vomiting, which was not projectile but which managed to defeat the towels etc I 
had strategically placed. The crying got me down dreadfully, this was nothing 
like I'd experienced with my first child. There was just no way to soothe her. 
I still have a colour chart I filled out at that time, showing her behaviour in 
ten minute slots over a week to show the baby health sister- red for unsettled, 
blue for feeding, green for sleeping etc. That sounds excessive but truly, I 
felt I needed evidence for people to believe me; they said things like, Oh yes 
it's difficult with two, in a patronising way as if it was just me not coping 
with an unsettled baby when I knew it was more than that.

      We tried all the normal things, positioning, Early childhood centre, 
paediatrician, medication, nothing worked. Although she was fully breastfed she 
had the most atrocious constipation, stools like pieces of chalk that had to be 
drawn out when half expelled because she couldn't get it out. Finally I went to 
a homeopathic dr and whatever he gave her (smelt like pure alcohol but I was 
desperate enough to try anything!) fixed the pain overnight. She still vomitted 
and still was very wakeful but without the constant crying and pain behaviour 
it was so much easier to cope with. 

      I'd been told it would probably get better when she was standing up and 
it did, over about a week all the vomitting etc stopped and life became about a 
thousand times easier. 

      So I think that 'reflux' is very different from 'unsettled baby' but 
after what I went through I'd be inclined to give any mother who said her baby 
had reflux the benefit of the doubt, and the offer of a little help.


      ----- Original Message ----- 
        From: Helen and Graham 
        To: ozmidwifery 
        Sent: Saturday, February 03, 2007 9:22 AM
        Subject: [ozmidwifery] Reflux

        Just found this article whilst surfing the net.  I feel anecdotally 
that both reflux and colic are overdiagnosed.  I am a midwife but not a MCH 
nurse.  If it is so common maybe it IS a normal variation......what do you 
think about it?  It just seems to me that some people aren't happy until they 
have a label and a medicine to treat it with when they have an "unsettled" 
baby.  Maybe I am being too simplistic about this subject.  

        Interested in the thoughts of some of our online listers.


              Reflux is so common it is almost seen as 'normal', or even 
trivial, and most people just don't understand how difficult life can be for 
many families, or understand the impact reflux can have on their lives! They 
may think of it erroneously as 'just a bit of vomiting', or 'just a behavioural 
issue'. They don't see how it impacts on the child's eating, sleeping, growth, 
behaviour or quality of life; or on the family's quality of life, relationships 
between partners, siblings or other children; finances; and even leisure time. 
The truth is, only families who have experienced it for themselves really 

              Many families:

                a.. Have difficulty getting people to believe just how bad the 
vomiting and/or the screaming really are

                b.. receive conflicting and confusing advice

                c.. become socially isolated

                d.. feel like failures as parents

                e.. have family and friends who just didn't understand


        Even when a baby is suffering from relatively uncomplicated reflux, 
families often need reassurance, and enjoy talking to someone who understands. 
For the families whose infants suffer complications, it is even more important 
that they can talk to other parents, and have the support, reassurance and 
understanding they need to get through this stressful experience

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