What is "excessive" pushing and who is to say that she will have
to do it? Is the downside of "excessive" pushing worse than the
downside of post CS infection, which I have seen some nasty
cases of. 

--- Katrina Flora <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi All, has anyone had any experience with caring for a woman
> with primary lymphedema?
> A friend of mine has this condition and is 24/40 at the
> moment. Her symptoms haven't worsened through the pregnancy up
> to this point. I have had a look at a few databases and texts
> and it seems there hasn't been any research done in this area
> and there aren't any guidelines for management of
> pregnancy/birth for these women.
> So I'm looking for any anecdotal evidence in this area. It
> seems that the real risk in this situation is with postpartum
> infection, so logic would say avoid acquiring a caesarean
> wound. But she has been told that excessive pushing during 2nd
> stage could be problematic for her in that most of the lymph
> nodes she's missing are in her groin and her edema is in her
> legs. 
> What do you think?
> Many thanks,
> Katrina Flora
> Student Midwife, 2nd year ACU

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