Boils are a balant sign the immune system is struggling and given over 80% of the immune system pivots on the bacterial populations in the git - no wonder AB arent helping - they often worsen the situation.

Yes, see a good naturoapth and you'll get it sorted.

Vit C, zinc, bioflavonoids, betacarotene, and probiotics are all a great start.

Kristin (Naturopath & CBE)


From: "leanne wynne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [ozmidwifery] RE:
Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2007 09:08:12 +1100
>Hi Belinda,
>My daughter had recurrent boils for approximately 2 years and we
>tried all the treatments you have mentioned: salt baths, vitamin
>supplements and antibiotics (even though I hate them and believe
>they are overused) etc ... etc ...
>I spoke with a naturopath and she said it tended to be a depressed
>immune system. So I decided to try to improve her diet as my
>daughter has always been a fussy eater. I started giving her a
>punnet of strawberries and a punnet of cherry tomatoes every week
>and she hasnt had a boil since!! It would seem that the extra
>vitamin C has boosted her immune system sufficiently.
>So ... its worth a try and tastes alot better than antibiotics
>without the side-effects!!
>All the best,
>Leanne Wynne
>Midwife in charge of "Women's Business"
>Mildura Aboriginal Health Service Mob 0418 371862
>>From: "Belinda Pound" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>To: <>
>>Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2007 16:51:11 +1000
>>Just wondering if anyone has any ideas on treating boils. Started
>>18/40 (second pregnancy..none with first). Glucose at 28/40 fine.
>>Drs said
>>it was due to pregnancy. Had several courses of oral ab's, two
>>of bactroban nasally. (partner and 2yo daughter also treated with
>>nasal ab
>>at this time). Bath in detol/phisohex. Baby now 11 weeks,
>>and I currently have four boils. All have been on the right hand
>>side of
>>body. Take pregnancy and breastfeeding vitamin daily. (have had
>>15-20 in
>>past 6 months.and don't want yet another dose of ab's) Any
>>suggestions on
>>experience/treatment greatly appreciated. Thanks Belinda
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