Hey guys,


I'm creating a workflow solution using VSeWSS 1.3.  I have 3 sequential
workflows to create which I was expecting to add to the same project,
deploy as a single assembly in a feature and away I go.  However, the
VSeWSS Sequential Workflow template comes with a feature.xml and
workflow.xml, and the workflow.xml relates to the existing workflow.  If
I add new workflows to the project, it doesn't create a workflow.xml for
each one, so I can create new ones manually, each named the same as the
workflows(.xml), but VS doesn't let you rename the original workflow.xml
(right-click, no rename/delete).  My additional element manifests don't
seem to be included in the deploy either, resulting in a file not found
error.  This kind of suggests that you're supposed to leave it as is,
even though you can change the element manifest filename reference in
feature.xml.  Would I have to create one project per workflow?  Then I'd
have 3 different features to activate in the portal, when really they're
all part of the same solution.  Thoughts/Ideas?



Kind regards,




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