This e-mail list has been going for a while and I've got a lot out of it. For 
those of you going to the SharePoint Conference in Sydney in June (and if 
you're not - why not?) it'd be great to meet you all in person rather than by 
name in e-mail discussions. Who's actually going? I'm there all week in Sydney, 
but it'd be great to organise something when everyone's available.

Only six weeks to go! Don't miss out on Australia's biggest 
SharePoint<> event of the year!

Something for everyone - one of the few IT events that specifically reaches out 
to multiple audiences

*        20 sessions of end user/power user/business content including some 
great case studies including Telstra, Volvo and a number of Industry verticals 
such as finance,  insurance, legal and engineering

*        20 sessions of pure technical content for IT Pro, Administrators, 
Developers and Analysts

*        Content is relevant to those using WSS, MOSS 2007, and new 2010 

FREE Hosted SharePoint Server 2010 Site for EVERY delegate - thanks to Emantra 
- Hosted Solutions Australia<> you get to try out 
everything you learn AT the event and  for 3 months after - try 2010 first hand!

Hear from the best - International, Local, Microsoft, Industry Experts and 
Customers - see the 
Speaker<> list and get to 
collaborate with hundreds of your fellow SharePoint enthusiasts - ask all your 
SharePoint questions!

Additional Training - Pre and Post event Get to the Point Training 
Workshops<> for intensive 
half day courses - an excellent chance to up skill in both 2007 and 2010 

Exhibitor area - Support our 
sponsors<> and see all the 
great products and talk to the experts - 5 gold, 9 silver and 7 bronze sponsors

* June 16 and 17   * Hilton, Sydney
* $650 ex GST (group discounts available)

The Australian SharePoint Conference Team<><>

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