My client has a document library in use with multiple content types. I've
been asked to add a facility where some documents (a new content type) can
be linked in the library rather than uploaded. Easy!


But, the link is not one the user can browse to. It's a link within another
application .e.g.: http://AThirdPartyApp/getDocument.aspx?docID=1234.


The "docID" is easy for the end user to find. 


Ideally, I would like to prompt the user to enter the meta data and the
DocID, then generate the URL based on the information given, but the default
_NewLink.aspx prompts for the document link first?


So. with a dozen different ideas going through my head, I'm wondering how
the group would implement this? 


It seems I can't simply a new form for a document library in SPD (SPD isn't
giving me an option for a NEW form in this document library). 


I could build my own completely custom form for adding the data, and add
this to the ribbon? I think this is the best solution, but also the most
time consuming. Before I started coding, I thought I would see what other
suggestions might be around?


Another option could be to modify the _layouts/NewLink.aspx but I am
reluctant to modify OOTB pages unless there is no better alternative?


Is there a better or more efficient way? 

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