Hmm. Seems these values are actually pulled from the RootWeb.AllUsers table.

Updating the Email field here works. And then I finish with a web update().
Not sure if this is actually required.

On 14 August 2012 14:05, Web Admin <> wrote:

> One more question please.
> I'm also wanting to update the Site Owner email for all sites due to a
> domain change.
> I can get and view this property but am unable to update it.
> $site = Get-SPSite -identity "mysite"
> $site.Owner.Email = "new email"
> Do I need to run an update command on a specific object for this change to
> stick?
> On 14 August 2012 08:50, Web Admin <> wrote:
>> Thanks guys.
>> Yes, I had tried piping it the $sites var first with no luck.
>> As per Tony's reply, this is a calculated value and needed an expression
>> in order to grab it. Go figure. :\
>> Applying this to the foreach loop provides more flexibility and works a
>> treat.
>> # Get relevant sites
>> $sites = Get-SPSite | Where-Object {$_.WebApplication -eq $webapp}
>> # Iterate through sites and sort by size DESC
>> foreach ($site in ($sites | Sort-Object @{Expression={$_.Usage.Storage}}
>> -Descending))
>> On 13 August 2012 18:58, Tony McGee <> wrote:
>>>  I don't have SP handy right now to test it, but is a calculated
>>> property what you're after?
>>> $webapp.Sites | Select-Object
>>> *,@{Name="SiteStorage";Expression={$_.Usage.Storage}} | Sort-Object
>>> SiteStorage -desc
>>> On 13/08/2012 11:28 AM, Web Admin wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>>  I'm creating an HTML email report in PowerShell that returns the
>>> following table.
>>>    Name Site URL Size(MB) #Webs  VS 2010 /sites/dev 1.57 2  Site Test /
>>> 6.13 6  Team Site /sites/team 4.29 1  Apps /sites/apps 5.84 6
>>>  I would like to sort these by Size descending but am having no luck.
>>> I have a collection of sites from a specified webapp.
>>>  $sites = $webapp.Sites
>>>  I then iterate through them with a foreach loop. I tried adding the
>>> sort property to the* $sites* var but the *usage *property does not
>>> exist at this level. It's a site property.
>>>  foreach (*$site* in (*$sites* | Sort-Object -Descending -Property *
>>>  Do I need to store the above in another var and then sort it??
>>>  --
>>>  Regards,
>>>  Paul Noone
>>>  --
>>> SharePoint Farm Admin/Developer
>>> Infrastructure Team
>>> CEO Sydney
>>> p: (02) 9568 8461
>>> f: (02) 9568 8483
>>> e:
>>> w:
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> ozmoss mailing 
>>> listozmoss@ozmoss.com
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>>> ozmoss mailing list
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Paul Noone
>> --
>> SharePoint Farm Admin/Developer
>> Infrastructure Team
>> CEO Sydney
>> p: (02) 9568 8461
>> f: (02) 9568 8483
>> e:
>> w:
> --
> Regards,
> Paul Noone
> --
> SharePoint Farm Admin/Developer
> Infrastructure Team
> CEO Sydney
> p: (02) 9568 8461
> f: (02) 9568 8483
> e:
> w:


Paul Noone

SharePoint Farm Admin/Developer
Infrastructure Team
CEO Sydney

p: (02) 9568 8461
f: (02) 9568 8483
ozmoss mailing list

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