Hi all,

I have a web part that renders metadata from items in the Pages library. It
is used only on publishing pages.

I want to perform a check in the code behind to first verify the current
web is publishing enabled.

// Get Web and check for Publishing feature enabled
SPWeb web = SPContext.Current.Web;

if (PublishingWeb.IsPublishingWeb(web))
    //Render web part contents
    _html.Append("Not a publishing web.").AppendLine();

This is returning false within my publishing site(s). :\

Is there a better way to check this?

I then want to confirm that the current item is within the page's library.

    // Get the publishing Pages library
    String pagelib = PublishingWeb.GetPagesListName(web);
    // Get current item's list
    SPList pages = SPContext.Current.ListItem.ParentList;

    // Ensure current library is pages lib
    if (pages.Title == pagelib)

Again, is there a better way to get this info?
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