That sounds really exciting, I'm go an check that out in detail!

Sent from Max's iPad

On 23/04/2013, at 3:25 PM, Mark Daunt <> wrote:

> A bit.  Enough to still avoid them like the plague.  No debugging is a real 
> show stopper for me.  I find time spent troubleshooting those suckers is 
> better spent doing it properly in Visual Studio.  I like the new ability to 
> create workflow in stand alone apps in VS2012 and deploy without having to 
> add code to the server (no dlls in GAC etc, its all declarative like SPD but 
> you can debug).  That's where I'll be spending most of my  workflow 
> development time.
> From: Web Admin <>
> Reply-To: ozMOSS <>
> Date: Tuesday, 23 April 2013 3:15 PM
> To: ozMOSS <>
> Subject: SP Designer 2013 Workflows
> Anyone else had a chance to tinker with workflows in SPD 2013?
> Regards,
> Paul
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