Not really a complete answer, but...

I needed to display a small amount of static RTF, I opened blend and copied
the text in, it kept all of the formatting (well enough) including working
hyperlinks (which was what I was after).

How to do this on an ongoing automated way?  Sorry, I have not done that
Good luck

On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 9:31 AM, Steven Nagy <>wrote:

>  Hi all,
> I've got the a bunch of RTF coming from a service call that needs to
> render.
> I have two options: Find a control that can render RTF or convert the RTF
> to something else on the server side that can be rendered natively.
> For option 1, it seems the new SL4 RichTextbox doesn't support RTF (unless
> I've missed the mechanism for importing RTF text into the control?). I've
> trialed the DevExpress tool but it fails to render RTF with tables. I'm
> currently pulling down the ComponentOne RichTextbox to see if it does any
> better.
> I've also tried option 2 - using a WPF rich textbox (in memory only) to
> load the RTF and then push out various output formats. It supports output to
> XAML but of course the XAML is not compliant with Silverlight.
> I have my fingers crossed for the component one control but I'm not
> hopeful. I was wondering if anyone had any other suggestions on how to
> approach this and if anyone has found a good RTF control for silverlight.
> Client side is SL4 and server side is .Net 4.0.
> Cheers,
> *Steven Nagy
> *Readify | Senior Developer
> M: +61 404 044 513 | E: | B:
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