Hi all,

I've got the a bunch of RTF coming from a service call that needs to render.
I have two options: Find a control that can render RTF or convert the RTF to 
something else on the server side that can be rendered natively.

For option 1, it seems the new SL4 RichTextbox doesn't support RTF (unless I've 
missed the mechanism for importing RTF text into the control?). I've trialed 
the DevExpress tool but it fails to render RTF with tables. I'm currently 
pulling down the ComponentOne RichTextbox to see if it does any better.

I've also tried option 2 - using a WPF rich textbox (in memory only) to load 
the RTF and then push out various output formats. It supports output to XAML 
but of course the XAML is not compliant with Silverlight.

I have my fingers crossed for the component one control but I'm not hopeful. I 
was wondering if anyone had any other suggestions on how to approach this and 
if anyone has found a good RTF control for silverlight.

Client side is SL4 and server side is .Net 4.0.


Steven Nagy
Readify | Senior Developer
M: +61 404 044 513 | E: steven.n...@readify.net<sip:steven.n...@readify.net> | 
B: azure.snagy.name<http://azure.snagy.name/>
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