Late last night I was working away on my SL3 app doing the compile-run,
compile-run thing over and over as usual. Without warning the app fired up
and all of the images were blank. And by "blank" I mean invisible. All 61
images in the solution seems to be taking space on the screens, but are
invisible/blank. There are no loading errors or JavaScript errors or any
warnings of any kind.


I deleted all binaries and rebuilt everything. I've rebooted this morning
and rebuilt everything. I tried to use Fiddler2 to see if there were any
silent 404s, but it won't trace localhost (there are dozens of pages of
instructions on how to do this, but they all are nonsensical or don't
explain where the settings are in Fiddler2 to allow this).


I have never seen anything like this in my life, and I never would have
guessed such a thing was possible. I would have been less surprised if my
machine sang the national anthem when I ran the app.


I've already wasted 2 hours on this, so I thought I'd mention it anyway just
in case someone has seen the symptom before.



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