Commanding wasn't actually implemented in Silverlight 3, so I'm guessing
that's why you're experiencing the behaviour that you are.  Silverlight 3
had the ICommand interface, but no controls actually supported it (they
didn't have the Command/CommandParameter properties).  So you'd expect
Expression Blend and VS2008 to kick up a fuss.  Instead, you had to use the
Expression Blend Interactivity library, which enabled you to use commands
using attached properties.  However, you say you have it working, which is a
bit confusing.  I'm totally making a random guess here, maybe you have the
Silverlight 4 runtime installed, so even though it's a Silverlight 3 app it
works because commands were partially implemented in Silverlight 4?  I don't
know if that's the case, but it's a possibility.


On 29 July 2010 14:28, Greg Keogh <> wrote:

>  The error *Key attribute can only be used on an element* was caused by
> pasting the block of XAML over from a WPF application into SL3.  Simply
> removing the x:Key from the element fixes the problem with no side effects.
> I wasn’t using the Key in code.
> However, more than an hour of web searching and experiments has failed to
> make Blend 3 recognise the *Command=* element and the designer remains
> broken. I felt sure that adding something to the <Resources> as a hint to
> Blend’s XAML parser would fix it, but no luck so far.
>  -- Greg
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