>> How do you form those opinions?

I start by learning what not to listen to.

Darren neimkedarren.nei...@live.com 

Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2010 13:06:24 +1000
Subject: Re: So, is Silverlight dead yet?
From: p...@paulstovell.com
To: ozsilverlight@ozsilverlight.com

Hi Darren,
How do you form those opinions? Do you ignore the quote from Bob Muglia 
completely ("what does a Microsoft VP know about anything Microsoft makes 
anyway?"), or do you just ignore the opinion pieces over the top of it?

We're in such a vendor-dominated ecosystem, I worry that regardless of what we 
think about the technology, it's the opinions in the market that matter most 
when deciding whether something is a good long-term bet.  


On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 1:01 PM, Darren Neimke <darren.nei...@live.com> wrote:

Thanks Scott, I haven't read all of your reply yet, but I did skim through it 
quickly.  By the way, I knew that you'd win the award for the longest answer :-)

My judgement is that, regardless of what the Win8, 9, or 10 team thinks.  
Regardless of what Mary, Peter and Paul think.  At the end of the day, it's 
only my opinion that really matters to me - and I feel perfectly capable of 
having a clear view based on what I've seen and heard for myself.  However, I 
do accept that there will be people - both inside and outside of Microsoft - 
who do feel the need to be given their opinions by the aforementioned crowd.

Darren neimkedarren.nei...@live.com 

CC: ozsilverlight@ozsilverlight.com
From: scott.bar...@gmail.com

Subject: Re: So, is Silverlight dead yet?
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2010 12:52:46 +1000
To: ozsilverlight@ozsilverlight.com

I guess you can believe the below, clench your fists and sing in a righteous 
voice "viva la silverlight" walk away thinking all this PR and community 
aggravation is misguided and that the highest ranked executive aside from 
ballmer himself got it wrong despite being briefed on silverlight every 3 
months ranging on topics from ubiquity to roadmap selection criteria. Sure I 
can buy that but to sit and swallow that this is all just a misguided youth 
getting all sugary high from some bad journalists and how blind loyalty to the 
Microsoft ux strategy that has yet to really be shown despite constant signs of 
abandonment throughout the last 2 years is now a taboo topic of choice... Yeah 
that I can't buy just yet.

Win8 team don't want silverlight. I want it, we all on this list want it. Wpf 
is dead, I love working with wpf and I do so very day and think myself lucky .. 
But it's dead in terms of marketing and future investment..

The reality is this, right now the eyeball economy is bring used by factions 
internally as a beating stick on "why se should or shouldn't continue to 
invest" - I've personally seen 3 separate threads leaked with that pulse in 

Inside the teams we don't get to see data about how you all adopted it etc and 
so public opinion would often sway decisions ... As pathetic as that sounds.
I sang loud and clear wpf is dead, journos picked up on it and ran with it. A 
month later the wpf team are working hard to proove my theories wrong. It's not 
like it's the first hey heard about it... It just finally got public momentum.

As for Microsoft learning that the public can't be trusted with honesty? Hate 
to be the one that breaks this to all but that's the default posture held by 
majority of Microsoft teams.. Hence why MVP summits are often just a mix/pdc 
circle jerk with a different name..

Hate this all u like but this is doing a lot of good internally on silverlight 
vs HTML5 budget forecasts and resource allocations for the future.. Which means 
more toys for you all to play with if it sways to silverlights favor.

There isn't an unlimited supply of engineers / marketing inside Microsoft .. 
Internally it cab become a zero sum game ;)
--Sent from my mini iPad nano(excuse my spilling and grammar as I have giant 
man like fingers and this device as small keys)

On 01/11/2010, at 12:27 PM, Darren Neimke <darren.nei...@live.com> wrote:

It's worse than that.  If anything, think about what *we've* effectively just 
told Microsoft:
If you ever dare to try to tell us the truth, or give us information which is 
in the least bit honest, we will beat you up with a fu#$ing great big stick! 

Darren neimkedarren.nei...@live.com 

From: crai...@gmail.com
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2010 13:24:34 +1100
Subject: Re: So, is Silverlight dead yet?

To: ozsilverlight@ozsilverlight.com

I agree. This whole Silverlight debate is a beat up over nothing.

On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 1:20 PM, Darren Neimke <darren.nei...@live.com> wrote:

There's a couple of things here that I think are really, really sad.  
Firstly, a department within Microsoft comes out at an event, and they use 
plain English to show that they are supporting an exciting new technology.  
Next, a couple of groups - who make money from eyeballs - come out with 
inflammatory comments about what has been said.  Finally, people like *you* 
(whomever is reading this right now) give justification to the comments made by 
those groups by going on about it.

So in short, 
I don't really care who Mary Foley or TechCrunch are, or what qualifies them to 
publish stories with such an audacious and misleading title as: "Microsoft: Our 
strategy with Silverlight has shifted"

Every minute and therefore money (via our eyeballs) we give to Mary and 
TechCrunch, is a minute that is not spent working out how to get the best out 
of these 2 technologiesThink about the people who are writing about this 
"debate" (debate?  really?) and ask yourself what their motive is for writing 
in the first place

Darren neimkedarren.nei...@live.com 

Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2010 10:51:38 +1000
Subject: So, is Silverlight dead yet?
From: p...@paulstovell.com

To: ozsilverlight@ozsilverlight.com

...at least for non-phones:




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