I know exactly the problem you are having because I have had the same issues 
before, see my blog post at http://jake.ginnivan.net/radiobuttonbindings

The problem is the implementation of the radio buttons.

When I check one of them, it will search for other radiobuttons in the same 
group (inside parent containers visual tree I think), and will clear the value. 
This clears your binding =( My blog post has the workaround that I have used.

Jake Ginnivan
Readify | Senior Developer | MVP (VSTO)
M: +61 403 846 400 | E: 
jake.ginni...@readify.net<mailto:jake.ginni...@readify.net> | W: 

From: ozsilverlight-boun...@ozsilverlight.com 
[mailto:ozsilverlight-boun...@ozsilverlight.com] On Behalf Of Greg Keogh
Sent: Friday, 22 July 2011 3:00 PM
To: 'ozSilverlight'
Subject: A typical few hours

So I have a plain class object as the DataContext for a UserControl with a 
variety of controls on it. All of the two-way binding works perfectly except 
for a group of 3 radio buttons which seem to change their checked states in an 
incomprehensible random way. For over 3 hours I stick debug displays into every 
crack I can find, I swap code in and out, I try it on different controls, I 
fiddle with the bool-enum converter, but absolutely nothing makes any 
difference. Similar radio buttons on another similar control work perfectly, 
only this one is stuffed.

I eventually deleted all binding code for the radio buttons and used an old 
WinForms style get/set property and it works.

I think this is a really typical case of what I've been complaining about for 
two years now, and it's getting worse. As my working days pass, more and more 
roadblocks, workarounds, gotchas and bugs degrade my work satisfaction and 
income. Most of this suffering continues to come from Silverlight, WPF and WCF.

NRN, I'm just venting my boiling spleen.

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