hehe, re-read your email and you did say it was SL4 app, so yeah, its
probably what I said. :)

On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 1:09 PM, Stephen Price <step...@littlevoices.com>wrote:

> sounds like it may be the client machine caching the xap file.
> If that is your problem, if you clear the cache on the client machine and
> it then downloads the new xap file then the fix for this (one I've used
> anyway) is to append the modified date/time to the end of the url.
> So basically when ever the xap file is updated then the browser will think
> its been given a new url and so downloads it (and caches that new one.).
> Same app, but different/unique url.
> I'm assuming its a Silverlight app, given you've posted it here. :)
> if you can't find example code of appending the modified date let me know,
> I've got it kicking around somewhere at home. I'm sure its out there tho.
> cheers,
> Stephen
> On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 11:46 AM, Greg Keogh <g...@mira.net> wrote:
>> Folks, I have this random problem where I xcopy deploy all of my app files
>> over to my Win2008 server box and the updated SL4 app doesn’t appear, I get
>> the previous version.****
>> ** **
>> I have spent hours over the previous months trying to figure this problem
>> out. I restart IIS, I even reboot, I delete the ‘Temporary ASP.NET Files’
>> folders and I do a voodoo dance, but nothing will make the new app appear.
>> Sometimes after another wasted half hour of stuffing around it suddenly
>> comes good. But as is the new tradition of software development: I don’t
>> know what went wrong and I don’t know what goes right.****
>> ** **
>> Anyone else suffered this and sorted it out?****
>> ** **
>> Greg****
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