Folks, I have one of those stinkers where my SL4 app woks nicely on my dev
machine, but when it's deployed to the live server it behaves incorrectly.
So I'm wondering what the easiest way is to log/trace what's happening
inside the app on the live machine. In a previous app I had laced the code
with my own logging which I put into a rolling array, and I had a button in
the UI to show the lines in a list box. It works, but it's completely


I could add similar manual logging to my new app, but before I do that
rather tedious work I was wondering if there are better ways of
tracing/logging what's happening inside my SL4 app (inside IE8) on a live
machine. It would be nice if I could add logging calls to my code, but let
something else do the work of catching and displaying the data (like the
Trace infrastructure).


Perhaps there are tricks and techniques I'm not aware of.



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